Annotated Resources Page: Sleep Apnea
(Note: this is not just another page of annotated resources – available on the web – about sleep apnea. It is somewhat special because we have added some extra data and information. Are you curious? … Then continue reading to discover our secrets.)
Sleep apnea: a brief introduction
They say that life in a couple falls into two categories: delights or annoyances.
If your partner suffers from sleep apnea, then sleeping together …. well you know into which category it falls.
Sleep apnea is also called sleep-disordered breathing.
And that is for a reason since this disease is characterized by repeated shallow breaths or interruptions.
The most frequent type is called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) where your upper airways collapse or become obstructed during sleep. This slows down or interrupts your breathing.
If your partner suffers from OSA, he will tend to snore and make choking sounds as he will try to breathe through the reduced or obstructed airways passage.
But if you or your partner snore, you do not necessarily suffer from OSA.
OSA is characterized by breathing pauses that can last between a few seconds and few minutes, and that can be quite frequent, up to 30/hour. After which, breathing usually resumes normally but is accompanied by loud snoring.
Guess how will all this affect your sleep’s quality?
It will plummet as you move out of deep sleep into light sleep throughout the night.
No wonder you will feel so tired during day hours.
Sleep apnea is one of the major causes of daytime drowsiness.
As a result, you will be at a higher risk for car crashes, work-related, accidents and a number of associated diseases:
- Abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias),
- Stroke,
- Depression,
- Alzheimer
- Diabetes
- ….
Sleep apnea is underdiagnosed because it is not possible to diagnose it via a medical check-up or with blood tests.
Besides your physical exam, your medical and family history, your doctor will also use data collected during a sleep study for a proper diagnosis.
What are the risk factors?
Well, if you are obese, overweight, male and if you have a family history of small airways then your risks will increase. Likewise, your children will be at a greater risk if they have enlarged tonsils or adenoids.
But, after this long list of worrisome information, here are some good news…. yes sleep apnea can be treated in different ways:
- by lifestyle changes,
- by dental devices,
- by breathing devices,
- and by surgery.
Resources: getting started
Last seen: November 2018
Here below is a brief summary of the page.
The text provides a succinct overview of the main types of sleep apnea (obstructive, central and mixed) and of their:
- symptoms
- causes
- risk factors
- complications
How popular is this page according to Google?
Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 4
Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 2700/month
Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page: 2200/month
Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page:
Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 4
Last seen: November 2018
Here below is a brief summary of the page.
The text is divided into the following sections:
- Introduction
- How sleep apnea occurs
- Sleep apnea symptoms
- Sleep apnea consequences
- Sleep apnea diagnosis
- Sleep apnea treatment
- Where to get more information
- several links are provided for patients, but you need to be an UpToDate subscriber
- you will find links to the following organizations which provide useful information for patients:
How popular is this page according to Google?
Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): none
Estimated monthly traffic: none
Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page: none
Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: none
Last seen: November 2018
Spanish version: Apnea del Sueño
Here below is a brief summary of the English page.
The text is divided into the following sections:
- Definition
- Treatment
- Prognosis
- Clinical Trials
- Patient Organizations
- Publications
- Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep
- Apnea del Sueño: (in Spanish)
How popular is this page according to Google?
Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 29
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 70/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page: 20/month
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page:
- neurological sleep apnea,
- neurology sleep apnea,
- neuro sleep apnea,
- sleep apnea neurological
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 29
Last seen: November 2018
Spanish version: ¿Dificultad para dormir?
This short text offers a quick overview of the different types of sleep apneas, their symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 3/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page: none
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 11
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 5
Last seen: November 2018
Spanish version: ¿Apnea del sueño?
Here below is a brief summary of the English page
The text shows an expandable/collapsible menu with some main topics. Clicking on each topic will lead to several subtopics. For instance, clicking on “Causes” will show “Obesity”, “Large tonsils”, “Endocrine disorders” ….
- Causes
- Obesity
- Large tonsils
- Endocrine disorders
- Neuromuscular conditions
- Heart or kidney failure
- Genetic syndromes
- Premature birth
- Risk Factors
- Age
- Unhealthy lifestyle habits
- Family history and genetics
- Race or ethnicity
- Screening and Prevention
- Screening for sleep apnea
- Healthy lifestyle changes to prevent sleep apnea
- Look for
- Signs, Symptoms, and Complications
- Signs and symptoms
- Complications
- Look for
- Diagnosis
- Medical history
- Physical exam
- Sleep studies
- Ruling out other medical reasons or conditions
- Reminders
- Treatment
- Healthy lifestyle changes
- Breathing devices
- Mouthpieces
- Implants
- Therapy for mouth and facial muscles
- Surgical procedures
- Look For
- Living With
- Using and caring for your breathing device or mouthpiece
- Monitor your condition
- Repeat sleep studies
- Learn the warning signs of some CPAP side effects
- Learn about other precautions to help you stay safe
- Research for Your Health
- Improving health with current research
- Advancing research for improved health
- Look for
- Participate in NHLBI Clinical Trials
- Do you have an adolescent or young adult with sleep apnea and Down syndrome?
- Are you an adult with sleep apnea who wants to help understand this disease by using an oral appliance?
- Are you an adult with sleep apnea who would like to try a new treatment with facial exercises?
- Are you an adult with sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes?
- Are you an adult who recently was diagnosed with sleep apnea?
- Are you a Minnesota resident with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
- Do you have a child with sleep apnea who is interested in a new treatment with a nasal spray?
- Are you an adult with sleep apnea who finds it hard to use your CPAP machine?
- More Information
- Related Health Topics
- Our Publications
- Other Resources
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 26,000/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- sleep apnea,
- what is sleep apnea,
- apnea,
- sleep apnea symptoms,
- sleep apnea test,
- signs of sleep apnea,
- symptoms of sleep apnea,
- sleep apnea causes,
- what causes sleep apnea
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 2400
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 2370
Resources: how to diagnose sleep apnea
Last seen: November 2018.
Here below is a brief summary of this page.
It will provide you information about:
- which doctors to go see in order to get a diagnosis,
- the importance of a sleep study for a definite diagnosis of sleep apnea,
- a list with those sleep centers accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine,
- the data collected during a sleep study with special emphasis on the AHI index (along with an explanation),
- a brief mention of sleep studies as an alternative to polysomnography,
- and finally, some comments about costs of treatment and diagnosis.
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 1600/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- sleep study results,
- how to get a sleep study,
- arousal index,
- sleep apnea doctor,
- pulmonary sleep study,
- sleep apnea test results,
- …..
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 1100
- Estimated number of linksto the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 56
Last seen: November 2018.
Here below is a brief summary of the page.
The text contains the necessary information to understand your sleep study.
The content also provides explanations about the nature of sleep, for instance, sleep stages, arousals, and awakenings ….
The page is divided into sub-sections:
- A Guide to Understanding Your Sleep Study
- Quantity of Sleep
- Sleep Efficiency and Latency
- Sleep Stages
- Arousals and Awakenings
- Respiratory Parameters
- Implications
- Addenda
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 758/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- sleep study results,
- arousal index,
- sleep apnea test results,
- sleep efficiency index,
- …
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 588
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 18
Last seen: November 2018
The page provides a very short and limited overview of sleep studies.
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 513/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- Sleep study
- Sleep studies
- Sleep research
- Sleep apnea study
- …
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 118
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 23
Resources: treatments and therapies
Last seen November 2018
(The Spanish version: ¿Está siempre cansado? Usted podría tener apnea del sueño.)
Here below is a brief summary of the English page.
The text is divided into two parts:
- “What is sleep apnea”. Here you will discover general information about the different apneas, their risk factors, associated diseases…
- “Getting treatment”
You will learn about:
- the behavioral approach (e.g. losing weight),
- use of continuous positive airway pressure,
- an implantable medical device called the “Inspire Upper Airway System (UAS)”,
- oral appliances,
- …
How popular is this page according to Google?
A. Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 178/month
B. Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- Sleep apnea tired
- Airing cpap fda approval
- Sleep apnea always tired
- Oral sleep apnea appliances fda approved
- …
C. Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 687 keywords
D. Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 76
Last seen November 2018
(The Spanish version: Dispositivos de presión positiva continua: consejos para evitar 10 problemas frecuentes)
Here below is a brief summary of the English page.
You will find here the 10 most frequent problems encountered when using a CPAP machine and useful tips about how to overcome them:
- The wrong size or style CPAP mask
- Difficulty tolerating forced air
- Dry, stuffy nose
- Feeling claustrophobic
- Leaky mask, skin irritation or pressure sores
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Dry mouth
- Unintentionally removing the CPAP device during the night
- Bothersome noise
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 0/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page: none
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: none
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 3
Resources: associated diseases, related issues
Last seen November 2018.
Here below is a brief summary of the page about Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS – also known also known as Pickwickian Syndrome).
The text provides the following information about this breathing disorder characterized by an excess of carbon dioxide and too little oxygen in your blood:
- OHS’ symptoms
- how OHS can be diagnosed
- how OHS can be prevented and treated
How popular is this page according to Google?
Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 17D. Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 76
Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 2100/month
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 2100/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- obesity hypoventilation syndrome
- Pickwickian syndrome
- hypoventilation syndrome
- hypoventilation
- obesity hypoventilation
- pickwickian sydrome
- obesity and shortness of breath
- ….
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 146
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 17
Last seen November 2018.
Here below is a brief summary of the page.
You will find an overview of sleep apnea and its association with hypertension, stroke, arrhythmia and heart failure. But it is very short.
The text then provides general advice and information about the different types of sleep apnea, treatments, etc …
The information is divided as follows:
- Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease, Stroke
- A Common Problem
- Listen to Those Snoring Complaints
- Getting Proper Treatment
- Getting Good Rest
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 1300/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- Sleep apnea heart failure,
- Sleep apnea heart,
- sleep apnea and heart failure
- sleep apnea heart attack
- sleep apnea effects on heart
- sleep apnea and heart
- …
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 1900
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 255
Last seen December 2018
Here below is a brief summary of the page.
The text is focused on the rarer type of sleep apnea: central sleep apnea.
It is divided in the following sections:
- Overview,
- Symptoms,
- Symptoms: when to see a doctor
- Causes
- Cheyne-Stokes breathing.
- Drug-induced apnea.
- High-altitude periodic breathing.
- Medical condition-induced central sleep apnea.
- Idiopathic (primary) central sleep apnea.
- Risk Factors
- Complications
- Fatigue
- Cardiovascular problems
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 0/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page: none
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: none
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 1
Last seen December 2018
The page is divided into the following sections
- What is OSA?
- Treatments
- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
- Hyoid Suspension
- Genioglossus Advancement (GGA)
- Maxillomandibular Advancement (MMA)
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 47/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- Myoms
- Sleep apnea surgery
- Sleep apnea jaw
- ….
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 208
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 21
(Spanish version: Apnea obstructiva del sueño),
Last seen December 2018
Here below a brief summary of the English page about obstructive sleep apnea.
The page is divided into the following sections:
- Overview
- Symptoms
- When to see a doctor
- Causes
- Risk factors
- Narrowed airway.
- Excess weight
- High blood pressure (hypertension).
- Chronic nasal congestion.
- Smoking.
- Diabetes.
- Sex.
- A family history of sleep apnea.
- Asthma.
- Complications
- Daytime fatigue and sleepiness.
- Cardiovascular problems.
- Complications with medications and surgery.
- Eye problems.
- Sleep-deprived partners.
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 0/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page: none
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: none
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 5
Last seen December 2018
Here is a brief summary of the page which provides many links to further resources.
The text is divided into the following sections:
- Description
- Frequency
- Causes
- Inheritance Pattern
- Diagnosis & Management Links
- Genetic Testing Information (2 links)
- Research Studies from (1 link)
- Other Diagnosis and Management Resources (4 links)
- Other Names for This Condition
- Additional Information & Resources
- Health Information from MedlinePlus (2 links)
- Additional NIH Resources (5 links)
- Educational Resources (9 links)
- Patient Support and Advocacy Resources (2 links)
- Scientific Articles on PubMed (1 link)
- Catalog of Genes and Diseases from OMIM (1 link)
- Medical Genetics Database from MedGen (1 link)
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 279/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- is sleep apnea genetic
- is sleep apnea hereditary
- sleep apnea genetic
- sleep apnea genetics
- obstructive sleep apnea
- …
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 53
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 22
Statistics and research
Last seen December 2018
Here below is a brief summary of the page.
It lists 20 facts about sleep apnea, some of which is statistical information:
- “Sleep apnea affects up to 18 million Americans.”
- “Officials estimate 10 million Americans have the condition but have not been diagnosed.”
- “The condition affects about 4 percent of middle-aged men and 2 percent of middle-aged women.”
- ….
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 0/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page: none
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 0
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 2
Last seen February 2019
On this page, with the following filters applied:
- Recruiting,
- Not yet recruiting,
- Available,
you will find 418 studies for Sleep Apnea Syndromes.
You can change the filters (recruiting, not yet recruiting, available) to:
- active not recruiting,
- suspended, …
You can also view all the clinical trials identified for your search terms:
- As a list
- Or on a map and you can then click on a specific country to precisely view the trials done in a country.
Consider browsing many medical conditions under “By Topic” and use them to search for related trials by including them in the filters.
Finally try fishing for related terms under “Search Details” and add or remove terms and synonyms.
How popular is this page according to Google?
The above page represents an extraction from a database, so it does not make sense to talk about “Google popularity”.
The home page ( is instead very popular:
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 630,000/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- clinical trials
- clinical
- ….
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 1.8M
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 44.2K
Academic Articles – References and abstracts from MEDLINE/PubMed – National Library of Medicine.
Last seen December 2018
You can either read the 230 words long abstract, or the full 4000 words article.
Discover our opinion and explanations.
Our advice: this article requires solid medical knowledge and the non-initiated will find it difficult to understand.
In a nutshell it talks about Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) in patients with OSA.
PCI is a non-surgical procedure that uses a thin, flexible plastic tubing to position a small device called a stent. It is used to open blood vessels that have narrowed as a result of plaque formation (atherosclerosis).
This review article concludes saying that if patients already suffer from OSA and undergo PCI, then they will have significantly increased incidence of:
- all-cause death (4 studies),
- cardiovascular death (4 studies),
- and repeat PCI (7 studies).
So, patients with OSA are at greater risk of subsequent cardiovascular events after PCI.
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 0/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page: none
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: none
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 1
We did not include other articles selected by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) specialists. And that is because they are too difficult for the average reader and require good medical knowledge.
But, if you feel ready to take on the challenge then go the following page
Find an Expert
Last seen December 2019
On their “Sleep Apnea Information for Individuals” page, the American Sleep Apnea Association provides you with the following useful links:
- Find a Sleep Doctor
- Find a Sleep Dentist – the link on the page is broken, here is the correct “Find a Sleep Dentist Page“
- Find a Sleep Lab
- Find a Behavioral Sleep Specialist with a search by last name But our team has also found a page where you can look at a list of individuals who have earned certification in behavioral sleep medicine.
- Find Home Sleep Testing.
How popular is this page according to Google?
Since there are multiple resources, providing you this information is difficult.
Last seen February 2018
The AASM’s directory includes all the sleep centers which it accredited.
Accreditation is granted to a center because it has shown the “highest quality of care in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders”.
One criterium, for instance, is to have a board-certified sleep medicine physician, who leads a sleep team of trained health care professionals.
All the centers in the directory have also been accredited to provide home sleep apnea tests.
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: none
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page: none
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: none
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 80
Last seen February 2018
We did not find any useful resources on this page to help you identify sleep centers and sleep specialists.
We think the National Library of Medicine specialists have erroneously included this resource.
Last seen February 2018
(the Spanish version is “Apnea del premature”)
The page, reviewed by a medical doctor, provides an overview of apnea of prematurity and related treatments.
The text is divided into the following sections:
- What Is Apnea of Prematurity?
- What Happens in Apnea of Prematurity?
- How Is Apnea of Prematurity Treated?
- Medicines
- Monitoring Breathing
- If Your Baby Is on a Home Apnea Monitor
- How Can I Help My Baby?
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 542/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- Apnea of prematurity
- Baby apnea
- Apnea in newborns
- Newborn apnea
- Ab monitor
- Premature baby heart rate drops
- …
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 923
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 62
Last seen February 2018
This page serves as a gateway to content in the other sections of the website.
You will find the below navigation menus:
Pediatric Conditions:
- Pediatric Hearing Loss
- Pediatric Sinusitis
- Pediatric Sleep-disordered Breathing
- Pediatric Thyroid Cancer
- Swimmer’s Ear
- Tonsillitis
- Tonsils and Adenoids
Halfway through the page you will find a section called spotlight with some interesting articles. Currently this section features three articles:
Last but not least, at the bottom of the page you will find a useful resource called “Find an ENT”
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 1/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- healthent
- ent health
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 5
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 739
Last seen February 2018
The page provides information about obstructive sleep apnea in a pediatric population.
The text is broken up in the following subheadings:
- What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
- What Causes Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
- What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
- How Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?
- How Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treated?
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 5200/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- Sleep apnea
- Sleep apnea in children
- Apnea
- Toddlers sleep apnea
- Sleep apnea toddlers
- ….
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page:
- Sleep apnea
- Sleep apnea in children
- Apnea
- Toddlers sleep apnea
- Sleep apnea toddlers
- …
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 166
(The Spanish version is “Cómo detectar el síndrome de apnea del sueño”)
Last seen February 2018
This brief page provides some information about:
- sleep apnea detection
- sleep apnea treatment
Links to further resources are provided throughout the text.
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 13/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- sleep apnea in babies symptoms
- baby sleep apnea
- sleep apnea detection
- ….
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 151
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 37
Patient Handouts
Last seen February 2018
(The Spanish version is “Apnea central del sueño”)
The English page features a “Click to Keep Reading” button via which you will access the whole (500-600 words) text.
This is divided into the following subsections:
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Exams and Tests
- Treatment
- Outlook (Prognosis)
- Possible Complications
- When to Contact a Medical Professional
- Alternative Names
- References
The page has been classified under “Patient Handouts” because you can easily print it (see the special icon in the upper right corner).
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 1500/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- central sleep apnea causes
- central sleep apnea
- central sleep apnea cause
- causes of central sleep apnea
- what causes central sleep apnea
- central sleep apnea causes
- …
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 290
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 40
Last seen February 2018
(The Spanish version is “Tratamiento de presión positiva en las vías respiratorias”)
The English page is divided into the following subsections
The information is clearly laid out and structured in bullet points.
You will find some embedded links throughout the text to pathologies of patients needing CPAP, like:
The page has been classified under “Patient Handouts” because you can easily print it (see the special icon in the upper right corner).
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 393/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- Continuous positive airway pressure
- Nasal CPAP
- Continuous positive airway pressure CPAP
- Continuous airway pressure device
- …
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 415
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 46
Last seen February 2018
(The Spanish version is Síndrome de hipoventilación y obesidad (SHO).)
The “Click to keep reading” button will show the full English page. This is divided into the following sections:
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Exams and Tests
- Treatment
- Possible Complications
- When to Contact a Medical Professional
- Prevention
- Alternative Names
Several links are provided throughout the text for further reading, for instance:
- Polysomnography
- Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP)
- Obstructive sleep apnea
The page has been classified under “Patient Handouts” because you can easily print it (see the special icon in the upper right corner).
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 816/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- obesity hypoventilation syndrome
- ohs medical
- obesity and shortness of breath
- ohs medical term
- hypoventilation syndrome
- ……
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 235
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 27
Last seen February 2018
(The Spanish version is “Los adultos con apnea obstructiva del sueño”
The “Click to keep reading” button will give you access to the full English page
This is divided into the following subsections:
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Exams and Tests
- Treatment
- Outlook (Prognosis)
- When to Contact a Medical Professional
- Alternative Names
You can easily print the page by using the special icon in the upper right corner.
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 1900/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- Stop breathing while sleeping
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Throat closing up at night
- Stop breathing when you sleep
- Stop breathing while you sleep
- …
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 2100
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 217
Last seen February 2018
(The Spanish page is “Apnea del sueño infantil”)
The “Click to keep reading” button will allow you to see the full English page which is divided as follows:
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Exams and Tests
- Treatment
- Outlook (Prognosis)
- Possible Complications
- When to Contact a Medical Professional
- Alternative Names
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 13/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- Pediatric sleep apnea
- Sleep apnea in children symptoms
- Pediatric apnea
- Sleep apnea kids
- Sleep apnea pediatric
- …
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 69
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 4
Last seen February 2018
(The Spanish page is “Uvulopalatofaringoplastia (UPFP)”)
The “Click to keep reading” button will open the full English page for you.
The text is divided into the following subsections:
- Description
- Why the Procedure is Performed
- Risks
- Before the Procedure
- After the Procedure
- Outlook (Prognosis)
- Alternative Names
How popular is this page according to Google?
- Estimated monthly traffic from Google: 321/month
- Estimated most important keywords for which Google sends searchers to this page:
- uppp
- uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
- uppp in
- uppp surgery
- uppp procedure
- uvulopalatopharyngoplasty uppp
- uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (uppp)
- Estimated number of keywords for which Google will show you the page: 58
- Estimated number of links to the page (these count as votes in Google’s eyes): 10